Friday, May 3, 2019

Deep Offshore Southeast Asia Congress 2019

State-owned energy holding company Pertamina aims to drill 300 wells this year in a bid to jack up its oil and gas production to an average of 928,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd). The company plans to drill 120 wells in its newly acquired Mahakam Block in East Kalimantan. Then, what’s the next plan about Pertamina? You can attend Deep Offshore Southeast Asia Congress 2019 (July 2-3, 2019 | Jakarta, Indonesia) to get more information.

John Anis, General Manager, Pertamina Hulu Mahakam has confirmed to attend Deep Offshore Southeast Asia Congress 2019 to deliver a keynote speech on Improving Operational Excellence in Offshore Environment. Something about project will be discussed in our conference. You can get the latest news, so please don’t hesitate to Register.