Friday, July 12, 2019

Rokan Transfer Management Team Will be Formed in The Near Future

Pekanbaru (PE) - The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) said that the Rokan Block transfer management team in the near future will be formed to ensure the smooth transition of oilfield management in Riau Province. "The government will have a meeting point very soon. For the form of the team, it takes time, needs agreements, meetings between the parties, "Head of North Sumatra SKK Migas, Avicenna Darwis, told in Pekanbaru, Riau, Thursday. 

 Avicenna said that this responded to the decline in the production of the Rokan Block which was still managed by PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia at the end of the company's contract period, which expired in 2021. The Indonesian government had decided to submit further management to PT Pertamina (Persero). He acknowledged that the condition at the end of the existing operator contract period would certainly have an impact on the decline in oil production. This was because Chevron certainly reduced its investment in the oilfield.

( Another article : Pertamina Was Alarmed Rokan Block Production Continues to Decline Like the Mahakam Block )

To anticipate these conditions, Avicenna continued, the government formed the Rokan block management transfer team. 

The team essentially said that Chevron and Pertamina were looking for an agreement in the transition process, including issues such as environmental issues, human resources, and data. "The challenge is concerning data, because building data is not built in a year, two years," he said. The issue of the transition of operators in a large work area is admittedly not easy to determine the scheme and investment model. Avicenna said the process was almost complete, which was expected before the end of the 2021 working area contract, Pertamina could enter for investment. 

 "Now it is at the end of the process, because it is very complex, especially the transition of production area (oil) is almost 200,000 or around 190,000 (barrels per day)," he said. Previously, SKK Migas targeted Block Rokan oil lifting this year at only 190,000 barrels of oil per day (BOPD), down 9.2 percent compared to the realization in 2018 which reached 209,478 BOPD.