PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) stated that there had been a gas bubble on the YYA block in Blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ). The oil and gas block is located in the waters of the North Coast of Java Island.
Vice President Relations of Pertamina Hulu Energi Ifki Sukarya said, on July 12 the drilling of the YYA-1 well had caused a bubble to appear around the YAA offshore platform operated by PHE ONWJ. The well is about 2 kilometers (km) from the North Coast of Java, Karawang, West Java.
"That the YY A1 well is a well that was previously explored and we are preparing for production. It makes holes for production activities. When it pits holes, flow arises, gas bubbles emerge," Ifki said, in Jakarta, Wednesday (07-17/2019 )
Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ has activated the Incident Management Team (IMT) to overcome this gas bubble incident.
To avoid undesirable things, Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ has closed the YYA1 well drilling activity, while also moving workers on offshore platforms and drilling towers.
"So we immediately at the time of closing, we are IMT activists who are tasked with monitoring the situation on the ground," he said.
At the moment the gas bubble is still happening, Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ has also prepared a device to anticipate an oil leak. In addition, people in three villages near the project have been asked to stand by.
"So we will prepare an oil spill response team to prepare a strategy at sea and on land, do not get to land. We already have 3 teams built. Oil boom (a tool for dealing with oil leaks) 3 km in length. There are three villages in expect it to be exposed, "he said.(PE)
"So we will prepare an oil spill response team to prepare a strategy at sea and on land, do not get to land. We already have 3 teams built. Oil boom (a tool for dealing with oil leaks) 3 km in length. There are three villages in expect it to be exposed, "he said.(PE)